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. 2022 Apr 6;23(1):e00262-21. doi: 10.1128/jmbe.00262-21


Science communication self-efficacy before presenting the virtual postera

Theme Subtheme Exemplar quote
Unchanging confidence (12) Not confident (7) I’m not too shy of an individual, but would like maybe the fear, the lack of confidence would come from messing up with someone who knows everything about it. I know my dad once told me that a couple time he presented on subjects where the author of the book was in the room. And so, he always talks about how you had to have it packed down.
Pretty confident (5) I’m pretty confident presenting. I’ve done that before.
Changing confidence (11) Improved confidence from understanding content knowledge and doing experiment (5) I don’t think I felt that confident, especially before we’d actually done the experiment, because I didn’t really know that much about plant biology and the different things that are, like, impacting plants. And that kind of scared me. But, as we got closer, and I like, actually met with my group mates and we went through it and figured it out, and like, read the articles, I… I was a lot more confident going into the actual presentation, I’d say.
Improved confidence after reviewing and compiling poster (4) …when [instructor] first told us that we would be presenting I was like, “No way” I just was not confident at all. Um, and then I’d say the closer we got like maybe the final week before we presented, like once our poster was finalized, and I was looking over it, like I actually understood what we had done. I definitely felt a lot more confident going into that one. I guess like, as the course progressed, I felt better.
Improved confidence after doing independent research poster with faculty (1) …the first half of the semester, I was definitely like, “Oh my gosh, I don’t even know what to talk about when I’m doing this stuff, like do I just need to read it directly off the poster?” But then, after submitting my own person poster to a conference, and although I didn’t actually talk to anybody about it… made me feel more sort of prepared for what it would look like to present the plant biology poster.
Decreased confidence (1) So, I was honestly, really confident up until like, the week before.
Mixed statements (4)   I was pretty confident that everything was how it was supposed to be [on my poster]. I was just not confident how I would speak those things.

Authors added emphasis to exemplar quotes using italics to showcase the main idea in the quote.