Share-Net Bangladesh | Share-Net Burundi | Share-Net Jordan | Share-Net Netherlands in Indonesia |
Created an information hub for organizations working on child marriage on the knowledge platform's website. Shared list of organizations and their best practices to prevent child marriage in Bangladesh. |
Conducted a mapping and analysis of stakeholders working on the issue of adolescent pregnancy in Burundi. | Developed a national action plan to end child marriage to provide a general framework for limiting the marriage of individuals under 18. This included a 5-year strategy for countrywide interventions.46 Presented the action plan successfully to the Prime Minister, endorsed by the Cabinet, and shared with the relevant ministries to allow them to incorporate the proposed interventions in their annual plan if their budget allowed. |
In collaboration with the district working group, organized multiple meetings with stakeholders, including traditional and religious leaders, government authorities, parents, and young people. Developed and launched a guideline on the local merarik cultural practice.50 Through advocacy efforts, included this guideline as an attachment in the Local Regulation of Child Marriage Prevention that had just been issued by the Parliament. |
A booklet titled Highlights of an initiative addressing child marriage in Bangladesh was published and disseminated.42 | Organized a joint broadcasting initiative in the form of a talk show on 12 radio stations to raise awareness among the general public of the risks associated with adolescent pregnancy. This activity was financially supported by an external funder. | Held meetings with potential donors to share the 2018–2022 national action plan and to explore funding opportunities for the different interventions included in the plan. | Developed a syllabus for training on the merarik guideline. Facilitated training for 40 village heads. Integrated training of the village heads on the merarik guideline into the YES I DO program. |
A roundtable discussion with policy makers, researchers, and practitioners was held to share the lessons learned in promoting the issue of child marriage in Bangladesh was organized. | Performed a desk review: Known best interventions to reduce or prevent adolescent pregnancy in Burundi, Kenya, Ethiopia, and the Demographic Republic of Congo, and a position paper: How the joint program should or might improve adolescent pregnancy in Burundi. | With external funds, held a workshop on the mechanisms for integrating child marriage into the plans of civil society institutions and societies. | The Department of Women's Empowerment and Family Planning of West Lombok allocated a budget to expand the coverage of training in the villages outside the 5-year YES I DO program. |
The country platform organized a knowledge fair on SRHR where stakeholders shared their knowledge products and efforts to address child marriage and other SRHR issues in Bangladesh. | Held a round table discussion and published a report: Analyzing the current mechanisms of monitoring adolescent pregnancies in Burundi,43 in collaboration with the National Reproductive Health Program and the National Health Information Management System. | A multistakeholder partnership raised their own funds and focused on awareness training in hospitals, research on the economic and social drivers of child marriage outreach to Syrian schoolgirls, and an awareness campaign at 60 schools. | Added the merarik guideline as an attachment to the Local Regulation of Child Marriage Prevention issued by the parliament in 2020. |
Abbreviations: CRIM-KT, Collaborative Rapid Improvement Model for Knowledge Translation; SRHR, sexual and reproductive health and rights.