(a) An overview of the architecture of the Petite colony sequencing experiment in this study. Nine spontaneous Petite colonies were passaged twice onto new media, culturing and storing three colonies for each passage. This produced families of colonies (indicated by color), where all colonies after two passages were derived from the same spontaneous Petite colony progenitor, but only a subset of colonies was cultured and then sequenced with a Nanopore MinION sequencing device (indicated by dotted circles). In addition to families, subfamilies are labeled as a subscript and grouped based on the predominant mtDNA structure present in these colonies according to sequencing results. (b) The sequencing coverage (arbitrary coverage scaling, consistent genome reference location) in all Petite colonies in addition to a subset of wild-type (WT), or Grande colonies sequenced. Ten Grande colonies were sequenced as a reference, four after growth under non-fermentable conditions (YPG), and six under fermentable conditions (YPAD). Border colors correspond to (a), and black borders are examples of Grande colony coverages.