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. 2021 Oct 18;50(5):659–668. doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00880-3

Table 1.

Ms (SDs), and Correlations of Study Variables at T1

M (SD) n SAS CDI Prim Sec Dis InvE InvD
SAS 40.671 - 0.502** 0.003 0.019 0.592** 0.656** 0.575**
n = 328
CDI 8.881 - -0.054 -0.062 0.489** 0.483** 0.508**
n = 327
Prim 22.427 - 0.316** -0.069 0.276** 0.068
n = 205
Sec 28.259 - 0.198** 0.030 0.111
n = 203
Dis 15.499 - 0.545** 0.618**
n = 205
InvE 25.515 - 0.707**
n = 204
InvD 18.512 -
n = 204

SAS social anxiety scale, CDI children’s depression inventory, Prim primary engagement, Sec secondary engagement, Dis disengagement, InvE involuntary engagement, InvD involuntary disengagement

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)