Figure 5. FAO inhibition impairs monocyte-derived DC and monocyte-derived macrophage differentiation in heart allografts in vivo.
(A) Schematic representation of adoptive transfer of 107 CD45.1+ monocytes isolated from Pepboy mice intravenously injected into HTx recipients at the time of engraftment. (B and C) Flow cytometric assessment of BALB → B6 heart allografts 4 days after HTx that were adoptively transferred with CD45.1+ monocytes at the time of transplantation. Cell subtypes are shown as a percentage of CD45.1+ cells. (B) CD45.1+ DCs assessed by CD11c+MHCII+CD64– cells (ctrl, n = 4; eto, n = 5). (C) CD45.1+ macrophages assessed by CD11b+CD64+CD24– cells (ctrl, n = 4; eto, n = 5). Data are shown as mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 by t test.