Knockdown of HOTAIR inhibits glioma cell proliferation and migration/invasion. A, HOTAIR expression levels in brain tissues of GBM (left panel) and different molecular subtypes of GBM patients (right panel) were analyzed by Affymetrix Human Exon 1.0 ST of TCGA data. B, Kaplan-Meier survival curve for the 10-year OS rate of glioma patients were analyzed by OncoLnc TCGA data. The cut-off was set at the median. C-F, Different sets of A172, U87MG, and PDX-L14 cells were transfected with siRNA HOTAIR (siHOTAIR) for certain period of times, as indicated, followed by MTT (D), clonogenic (E) and cell invasion (F) assay. C, Transfection efficiency of A172, U87MG, and PDX-L14 was revealed by the expression of HOTAIR at 48 h via qPCR. D, MTT assays were conducted to examine the effects of HOTAIR on cell viability after transfecting A172, U87MG, and PDX-L14 with siHOTAIR targeting HOTAIR mRNA from 24 h to 96 h. E, Clonogenic assays were performed to examine the effects of HOTAIR on long-term cell viability after transfecting A172, U87MG, and PDX-L14 cells with siHOTAIR for two weeks. F, Cell invasion assays were performed to detect the effects of HOTAIR on invasion after transfecting A172, U87MG, and PDX-L14 cells with siHOTAIR targeting HOTAIR mRNA. Images were captured at magnification of x10, *p < 0.05.