Fig 6. Accuracy in delayed probe trials between HML040 and Control Group.
(A). HML040 versus Control Group and Chance Group accuracy averaged across all delayed probes. There was no statistically significant difference between HML and controls although HML040 performed significantly better than chance, as indicated by the mixed surrogate chance group. (B). HML040 versus Control Group accuracy for novel and repeated trials. Despite having a smaller distance from the target on novel trials compared to the control group, for both repeated and novel trials, HML040 did not perform statistically different from the controls. Distance error is the Euclidean distance between where participants placed the targets and where they were actually located in the virtual environment. Novel locations were those in which a start location-target location pairing was new to the participants and Repeated trials were those in which a start location-target location pairing was previously seen. Grey dots represent the control group’s data (some points may overlap). All error bars are the standard error of the mean (SEM).