Figure 5. SmNRPS produces β-alanyl-tryptamine (BATT) in paired male parasites in a gli1-dependent fashion.
(A) A schematic diagram showing strategy to uncover SmNRPS products utilizing [13C3]βAla. (B) Plot showing relative abundance of ions in paired male parasites treated with standard (gray) or [13C3] (red) βAla. n = 3 biological replicates. (C) Chemical structure and formula of β-alanyl-tryptamine (BATT) and its potential synthesis by SmNRPS. (D) Abundance of [13C3]BATT in paired males and female parasites 7 days after [13C3]βAla treatment. (E) Regiment for evaluating effects of RNAi on [13C3]BATT production. (F) Abundance of [13C3]BATT in gli1 or Sm-nrps RNAi paired male worms following 7D of [13C3]βAla treatment. (G) Measurement of BATT in extracts from virgin or 14-day paired virgin (paired) male/female parasites. For panels C, F, G, each dot is an individual biological replicate derived from extracts from 30 parasites. (H) BATT quantity in media conditioned by parasites for two days. “Sep Male” and “Sep Female” represents media from parasites unpaired at the beginning of the experiment. “3-day Sep Male”, represents media from males separated from females 3D prior to experiment. Each dot represents the BATT concentration in media conditioned from an individual worm or worm pair. ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05. Parametric t test. Error bars are SD.