Table 4.
The 30 most important features as determined by a RF model without PCA, using only hand-crafted image and clinical features (i.e. without deep learning features). The sum of importances of all features equals 1.
Feature name | Feature importance value |
img_LAB_Amean | 0.034231 |
img_LAB_Lstd | 0.033047 |
img_RGB_Rstd | 0.032891 |
Pre_Alb | 0.027744 |
img_HSV_Vstd | 0.023306 |
img_RGB_Gmean | 0.021559 |
img_HSV_Sstd | 0.018536 |
img_HSV_Smean | 0.017932 |
img_RGB_Gstd | 0.017794 |
img_glrlm_SRHGE | 0.017419 |
PTB | 0.017041 |
Infection | 0.017015 |
img_LAB_Bstd | 0.016309 |
img_RGB_Bmean | 0.015348 |
BSA | 0.014811 |
img_glrlm_LGRE | 0.012993 |
img_gabor_amp_std_4 | 0.012843 |
WndWdth | 0.012599 |
img_glrlm_RLV | 0.01215 |
img_ngtdm_Complexity | 0.011454 |
img_glszm_GLV | 0.011221 |
img_HSV_Hmean | 0.011206 |
img_glszm_LGZE | 0.01048 |
img_glcm_Correlation | 0.010403 |
Age | 0.010116 |
img_gabor_amp_mean_4 | 0.010031 |
img_RGB_Bstd | 0.009844 |
img_glcm_Variance | 0.00958 |
UTSAStage | 0.009379 |
img_glrlm_LRLGE | 0.009364 |
Std: Standard deviation. SRHGE: Short-run high gray-level run emphasis Amp: Amplitude. Std: Standard deviation. LAB: CIELAB color space. RGB: RGB color space. HSV: HSV color space. GLRLM: Gray-Level Run Length Matrix. SRHGE: Short-run high gray-level run emphasis. PTB: Probe to bone, BSA: Body surface area. LGRE: Low gray-level run emphasis. GLV: Gray-level variance. RLV: Run level variance. NGTDM: Neighborhood Gray Tone Difference Matrix. GLSZM: Gray-level size-zone matrix. LGZE: Low gray-level zone emphasis. LRE: Long run emphasis. LZE: Level zone emphasis. LGRE: Low gray-level run emphasis. GLCM: Gray-level co-occurrence matrix. ZSV: Zone-size variance. ZP: Zone percentage. SZHGE: Small zone high gray-level emphasis. LRLGE: Long-run low gray-level run emphasis.