Table 1.
Summary of Model Parameters
Parameter | Description | Value | Treatment | Source | References |
| |||||
a | Tumor growth | 0.01 d−1 | No treatment | Taken from literature | (11) |
f | Lymphocyte decay rate | 0.033 d−1 | No treatment | Taken from literature | (12) |
Natural death | Unexpected natural death event rate not due to cancer progression | 4.2%/mo | No treatment | Taken from literature | (13) |
αT/βT | Tumor – LQ cell kill | 14.3 Gy | RT only | Taken from literature | (14) |
r | Inactivated tumor cell decay rate | 0.14 d−1 | RT only | Taken from literature | (15) |
ω 1 | Tumor-directed lymphocyte efficiency | 0.119 d−1 | RT only | Fitted to local failure / distant metastasis in clinical trial NCT00976898 | (9, 16) |
ω2 ω3 | Tumor /Inactivated tumor - lymphocyte recruitment constant | 0.003 d−1 0.009 d−1 | RT only | Fitted to temporal lymphocyte counts in clinical trial NCT00976898 | (9, 16) |
g | Geometric saturation constant | 7.330 × 1010 | RT only | Fitted to temporal lymphocyte counts in clinical trial NCT00976898 | (9, 16) |
s | Lymphocyte regeneration | 1.470 × 108 d−1 | RT only | Fitted to temporal lymphocyte counts in clinical trial NCT00976898 | (9, 16) |
α T | Tumor – LQ cell kill | Normally distributed (μ = 0.148 σ = 0.024) | RT only | Fitted to local failure / distant metastasis in clinical trial NCT00976898 | (9, 16) |
α L | Lymphocytes – LQ cell kill | 0.737 Gy−1 | RT only | Fitted to temporal lymphocyte counts in clinical trial NCT00976898 | (9, 16) |
Cmax | Maximum concentration | 10 mg/kg | ICI only | Taken from literature | (17) |
t1/2 | Half-life of immune checkpoint inhibitor (Durvalumab) in the body | 21 days | ICI only | Taken from literature | (17) |
δdurva | Effectiveness of immune checkpoint inhibitor (Durvalumab) | Normally distributed (μ = 0.12 σ = 0.04) | ICI only | Fitted to RECIST1.1 responses in clinical trial NCT01693562 | (18) |