(A) Relationship of residual MMTT peak C-peptide (negative, <0.02 ng/mL; low, 0.05–0.60 ng/mL; intermediate, >0.60–1.20 ng/mL; and high, >1.20 ng/mL) and time spent in glucose range 70–180 mg/dL by continuous glucose monitoring. (B) Relationship of islet transplant MMTT peak C-peptide (low, <0.60 ng/mL; moderate, 0.60–<1.50 ng/mL; good, 1.5-to–<3.0 ng/mL; and excellent, ≥3.0 ng/mL) and time spent in the glucose range of 54–180 mg/dL by continuous glucose monitoring. Data are from Refs. 89 (A) and 108 (B).