Fig. 1.
(A) Vaccination preferences among German adults in wave 3. (B) Shares of those consistently opposed (i.e., choosing levels 0 or 1 in each of the three survey waves), consistently willing, consistently undecided, and inconsistent across the three waves. In A, the pie captures the shares under the voluntary vaccination regime being in place at the time of the survey, and the bars indicate the responses of those who were undecided under voluntary vaccination policies were enforced vaccination to be implemented. The 73% making up the green slice of the pie are composed of those expressing agreement with being vaccinated voluntarily (levels 3 and 4) plus those vaccinated twice (at that time considered as “fully vaccinated”). Among the 13.7% opposed if voluntary, 9.8% would remain opposed if enforced, 1.1% would be undecided, and 2.8% would become willing (not shown in the figure); n = 4,021 answered those questions in cross-section wave 3. In B, three-waves panel: n = 2,018.