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. 2019 Mar 28;9(17):9870–9877. doi: 10.1039/c9ra00328b

Characteristics of the cis and trans isomers in the ground state, transition states (ts), and intermediates (im) of A and B schemes, as calculated by the DFT method.

Species, A scheme Bond length (Å) Dihedral angle (°) Species, B scheme Bond length (Å) Dihedral angle (°)
(C18:2) C9 Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 C10 C10–C11 C11–C12 C12 Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 C13 θ 1 a θ 2 b (C18:2) C9 Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 C10 C10–C11 C11–C12 C12 Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 C13 θ 1 a θ 2 b
9c, 12c 1.346 1.517 1.515 1.346 −0.272 0.850 9c, 12c 1.346 1.517 1.515 1.346 −0.272 0.850
tsa1 1.346 1.512 1.516 1.418 0.190 −8.322 tsb1 1.420 1.518 1.512 1.346 −8.746 0.500
ima1 1.345 1.509 1.491 1.495 0.163 −8.179 imb1 1.494 1.492 1.511 1.345 −16.123 0.859
ima2 1.345 1.509 1.492 1.487 0.420 −153.436 imb2 1.487 1.492 1.509 1.345 155.292 −0.356
tsa2 1.347 1.514 1.533 1.411 0.181 173.932 tsb2 1.411 1.520 1.511 1.346 172.245 −0.209
9c, 12t 1.346 1.515 1.516 1.342 −0.106 179.805 9t, 12c 1.343 1.515 1.516 1.346 179.564 −0.031
tsa3 1.419 1.521 1.515 1.343 10.825 179.490 tsb3 1.343 1.510 1.516 1.418 179.835 −8.179
ima3 1.419 1.522 1.511 1.342 8.964 −179.908 imb3 1.342 1.511 1.494 1.492 −179.769 −30.875
ima4 1.495 1.489 1.507 1.342 −157.516 −179.868 imb4 1.342 1.514 1.487 1.485 179.761 −154.259
tsa4 1.495 1.489 1.507 1.342 96.979 −179.909 tsb4 1.343 1.518 1.520 1.409 −179.704 174.079
9t, 12t 1.343 1.518 1.510 1.343 179.789 −178.774 9t, 12t 1.343 1.518 1.510 1.343 179.789 −178.774

Dihedral angle of C8–C9–C10–C11.


Dihedral angle of C11–C12–C13–C14.