Table 1.
List of all design files considering electrical design-, laser cut-, Controllino-, and computer software-files for the TENTACLE device.
Design file name | File type | File descriptions | Location of the file |
Electrical design files | |||
Electrical Layout.png | png | Electrical layout of the electronics inside the box | ./Electronic design/Electrical Layout.png |
Laser cut files | |||
Kast connectoren.DXF | DXF | Laser cut drawing of the front panel of the boxes for the connectors | ./Lasercut/Kast connectoren.DXF |
Controllino files | |||
Protocol list.xlsx | xlsx | Excel file with all the protocols used for the Controllino | ./Software/Controllino software/Protocol list.xlsx |
avrtemp.ino | ino | Code for calculating the average temperature of the sensors that are enabled for calculating | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/avrtemp.ino |
controllinortcv3.ino | ino | Setup and main loop code for the boxes | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/controllinortcv3.ino |
Datalog.ino | ino | Code for writing the sensor data over UDP to pc. This file also has some old code for write to SD card example | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/Datalog.ino |
Definement.ino | ino | Defines the output pins to human readable variables used for the code later | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/Definement.ino |
Heatercontrol.ino | ino | Code used for the scenarios | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/Heatercontrol.ino |
Heatewaveindoor.ino | ino | Code was for early stage indoor testing. Currently not used in this project anymore but can be reprogrammed to do so | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/Heatewaveindoor.ino |
Maxhourtempcalculator.ino | ino | Code reads Modbus registers and update the variables used for later | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/Maxhourtempcalculator.ino |
maxtemperhour.ino | ino | Code reads Modbus registers and update other registers with the correct maxtemp per hour used in the scenarios | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/maxtemperhour.ino |
ModbusStatus.ino | ino | Code read the I/O of the control unit and writes it to the Modbus registers. It also updates the eeprom with newly updated Modbus values | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/ModbusStatus.ino |
onewireEdit.ino | ino | Code reads with the onewire protocol all the sensor data and writes it to the correct Modbus address | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/onewireEdit.ino |
Realupdate.ino | ino | Code read the sensor data and converts it to readable values and writes it to the correct Modbus registers | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/Realupdate.ino |
RTCMod.ino | ino | Code reads the Real Time Clock of the Controllino and writes that time to serial and to the correct modbus registers | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/RTCMod.ino |
ScenraioSelect.ino | ino | Code read Modbus registers used for checking if a probe is used for heating or just collecting temperature and writes that to the correct eeprom of the control unit | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/ScenarioSelect.ino |
UDP.ino | ino | Code reads the incoming and outgoing data over UDP. It reads the configuration from the interface program and writes sensor data back to the interface | ./Software/Controllino software/Code for controllino x/controllinortcv3/UDP.ino |
Computer software files | |||
Visual studio compilation | File are needed to run the program in visual studio | ./Software/Computer interface/CTCS_Controller/ | |
CTCS_Controller_Serial.sln | sln | ./Software/Computer interface/CTCS_Controller/CTCS_Controller_Serial.sln | |
Installer compilation | Files are needed to create an installer from visual studio | ./Software/Computer interface/CTCS_installer/ | |
CTCS_installer.msi | msi | This file is the executable used for installing the interface | ./Software/Computer interface/CTCS_installer/CTCS_installer-SetupFiles/CTCS_installer.msi |