H2S binds with low micromolar affinity and slowly reduces the DosS heme iron. (A) Representative changes to the UV–Visible spectra of DosS(Fe3+) (3 μM) resulting from the addition of different concentrations of Na2S, relative to DosS without Na2S. Inset shows a substrate saturation curve of H2S binding to DosS(Fe3+) generated using UV–Vis absorption data points obtained from the titration DosS with increasing concentrations of Na2S. UV–Vis spectra are representative of at least 3 independent assays. (B) Representative UV–Visible spectra of recombinant DosS(Fe3+) (3 μM) (λmax = 407 nm, blue curve) 90 min after the addition of 30 μM CO (λmax = 407 nm, orange curve), 30 μM Na2S (λmax = 410 nm, red curve), CO + Na2S (λmax = 414 nm, green curve), or Na2S + CO+0.5 mM DTH (λmax = 418 nm, magenta curve). Inset shows absorption spectra replotted to highlight the α (570 nm) and β (535 nm) peaks. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)