Example Activities to Address Barriers and Engage Family and Social Support Persons in Tobacco Cessation Treatment
Collaborates with the NCCC Community Outreach and Engagement (COE) team to increase the visibility of tobacco treatment via in-person and virtual outreach events
Developed a game to educate >4,500 attendees at NCCC’s annual fundraising event about emerging tobacco product concerns; Tobacco Treatment Specialists spoke about TTP services
Organized a resource fair for the Great American Smokeout, inviting representatives from American Cancer Society, state quitlines, and hospital employee wellness program to speak about tobacco use and their tobacco treatment services
Administers MSK TTP intake form that includes questions to identify and engage support persons in TTP, including:
What are your main triggers for smoking (includes a response option for other smokers or tobacco users)?
Please indicate family members who regularly smoke or use other tobacco products
Please indicate whether you have a smoke-free home and/or car
Many of my family members, friends and/or coworkers smoke and/or use tobacco products (0 [not at all] to 10 [extremely true])
The UNC Quit Together (QT) program provides free, individualized tobacco cessation treatment to patients and their support persons who smoke. Developed a support person recruitment toolkit, a including:
Workflow outlining steps for recruiting and enrolling support persons
Promotional flyer, program information and consent document
Introduction email to patient with a request to forward to their support persons
Introduction email to support person with request to forward to the patient (when support person is first to enroll in QT)
Targeted Activities to Address Patients’ Support Persons in Tobacco Cessation Treatment
Identify support persons who use tobacco
Offer/Refer resources
Involve support persons in patient’s TTP
Assess secondhand smoke exposure
Identify support persons who use tobacco
Offer/Refer resources
Involve support persons in patient’s TTP
Provide treatment to support persons who smoke