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. 2022 May 2;17:34. doi: 10.1186/s13006-022-00472-x

Table 5.

Factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding duration: results obtained by Kaplan Meier curve

Variable The type of breastfeeding outcome Median. 95%CI Kaplan-Meier
censoring Breastfeeding(N) N%. (Month) χ2 P
Planned pregnancy 7.264 0.026
 Unprepared 13 59 81.944 3.6 2.98,4.22
 Prepared 51 277 84.451 3.5 3.20,3.80
 Fully prepared 26 74 74 4.2 3.45,4.95
Deliver milk to the infants in NICU 15.346 <0.001
 Yes 62 199 76.245 4.3 4.06,4.54
 No 28 211 88.285 3.5 3.27,3.73
Husband’s attitude towards breastfeeding. 16.649 0.005
 5 2 5 71.429 4.3 2.25,6.35
 6 1 10 90.909 2.0 0.00,4.05
 7 0 1 100.000 0.8
 8 9 45 83.333 3.5 2.87,4.13
 9 4 27 87.097 3.8 3.18,4.42
 10 74 322 81.313 3.6 3.33,3.87
Type of feeding in NICU 45.371 <0.001
 Exclusive breastfeeding. 31 15 39.474 6
 Mixed feeding. 23 189 89.231 3.5 3.25,3.75
 Formula 36 206 82.772 3.7 3.29,3.92
Breastfeeding knowledge level (points) 82.015 <0.001
  ≥ 14 80 184 69.697 4.5 4.08,4.93
 <14 10 226 95.763 2.8 2.47,3.13
Breastfeeding self-efficacy (points) 53.184 <0.001
  ≥ 44 66 135 67.164 4.4 3.94,4.86
 <44 24 275 91.973 3.5 3.16,3.84
Postpartum depression (points) 53.221 <0.001
  ≥ 14 75 185 92.5 4.3 3.95,4.65
 <14. 15 225 75 3.1 2.85,3.35
Family support (points) 86.196 <0.001
  ≥ 3. 83 175 67.829 4.4 3.954.85
 <3 . 7 235 97.107 3.9 2.66,3.14

χ2:Chi-square test; P p-Value, CI Confidence Interval