Fig. 2.
Expression of ovarian and biological markers in 2D cell culturing models in IPO43 cell line. A Cells were collected, prepared in cytospins and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and several biomarkers were tested; cells show positive reaction with anti-cytokeratins (CK) type II (clone Cam 5.2) and type I and II (clone AE1/AE3). Cells exhibited protein expression for CA125, PAX8, p53 and p16. Cells were negative for WT1, 100x. B Representative morphological appearance of IPO43 cell line, phase contrast microscopy, 100x; cells exhibited positive expression for CK18, collagen IV, F-Actin, β-catenin, E-cadherin and Ki-67, 400x