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. 2022 May;33(5):1011–1032. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2021101327

Table 2.

Summary of dialysis intervention study characteristics and VC outcome

Author and Year Type of Study Study Duration (months) Participant Intervention (Participants at Baseline) Comparator (Participants at Baseline) VC as Primary or Secondary End Point VC Imaging VC Site VC Outcome
Mune 199943 RCT 24 HD Vitamin E–coated cellulose membrane dialyser (CL-E), n=25 Unmodified cellulose membrane dialyser, n=25 Secondary CT Aorta Less progression with intervention
Zhang 201444 Non-RCT 24 HD High DCa 1.75 mmol/L, n=285 Standard DCa 1.5 mmol/L, n=223 Secondary X-ray, echo Aortic arch, abdominal aorta, cardiac valve No VC attenuation. Only aortic arch is reported (increased serum Ca with DCa 1.75)
Fu 201545 RCT 12 HD High-flux HD, n=25 Low flux HD, n=25 Primary X-ray lateral Abdominal aorta Less progression with intervention
Lu 201646 RCT 12 HD Low DCa 1.25 mmol/L, n=41 Standard DCa 1.5 mmol/L, n=41 Secondary X-ray lateral Abdominal aorta Less progression with intervention (lower serum Ca with DCa 1.25)
Ok 201647 RCT 24 HD Low DCa 1.25 mmol/L, n=212 High DCa 1.75 mmol/L, n=213 Primary CT Coronary Less progression with intervention (lower serum Ca with DCa 1.25)
Voiculet 201648 RCT 12 HD Interdialytic NaHCO3 5 g, n=29. (Reduce HCO3 fluctuations) No interdialytic NaHCO3, higher intradialytic NaHCO3, n=34 Secondary X-ray Coronary Less progression with intervention
Kim 201749 RCT 12 HD Low DCa 1.25 mmol/L, n=36 Standard DCa 1.5 mmol/L, n=40 Primary CT Coronary No significant VC attenuation (no difference in serum Ca between groups)
Masterson 201750 RCT 12 Nocturnal HD Low DCa 1.3 mmol/L, n=24 High DCa 1.6 or 1.75 mmol/L, n=26 Secondary CT Abdominal aorta, superficial femoral artery No significant VC attenuation at all sites (lower serum Ca in DCa 1.3)

DCa, dialysate calcium; HD, hemodialysis.