Effects of EHDPP on placental structure and pregnancy in female mice. (A) CD-1 female mice exposed to EHDPP; (B) Schematic of E7.5 embryo; (C) Cdx2 (green), Ki67, and DAPI (blue) in E7.5 in control and EHDPP () exposure groups () (Scale bars, ); (D) Relative intensity of Cdx2 () in control and EHDPP () exposure groups; (E) Relative intensity of Ki67 () in control and EHDPP () exposure groups; (F) TPBPA (red) and DAPI (blue) in E19.5 placentas in control and EHDPP () exposure groups; (G) TFAP2C (red) and DAPI (blue) in E19.5 placentas in control and EHDPP () exposure groups (); (H) Protein levels of p-IGF1R (Y1135), IGF1R, PD, Cytochrome C and β-actin in E19.5 fetal placentas treated with EHDPP; (I) GSEA analysis between placentas of control and EHDPP exposure group; (J) E19.5 fetal weight () after EHDPP exposure to pregnant mouse; (K) OGTT in offspring after intrauterine EHDPP exposure (blood glucose concentrations; ); (L) Survived embryonic numbers () in control and EHDPP exposure groups; (M) Implanted embryonic numbers () in control and EHDPP exposure groups; (N) Resorption and stillborn after EHDPP exposure. Data in (D) and (E) and (L) and (M) are expressed relative to the levels in the control group, which were set to 1. (C–G), ; (H) and (I), ; (K), five female and five male offspring; (J), (L–N), . Data were analyzed using an unpaired two-tailed Student’s -test. Indicated values are significantly different from the control value. (F–G): Scale bars: in and in . Numeric data in (D), (E), (J), (L) and (M) are listed in Table S14. Numeric data in (K) are listed in Table S15. Note: Cdx2, caudal-type homeobox 2; DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; E7.5, late gastrulation stage embryos; E19.5, newborn mouse; EHDPP, 2-ethylhexyl-diphenyl phosphate; GSEA, gene set enrichment analysis; IGF1R, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; PD, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex; SD, standard deviation; TFAP2C, transcription factor ; TPBPA, . * and **.