Figure 3. Condensate formation limits the concentration of Ede1 in the cytoplasm.
(A) Fluorescence intensity was measured in wild-type (wt) and 3×ΔEA cells expressing Ede1-EGFP, or cells overexpressing (oe) EGFP-Ede1 from the ADH1 promoter. Gray points represent mean pixel intensities of entire cell volumes (Cellular), or small regions manually selected from cell cross-sections (Cytosolic). Large points: mean values from independent replicates; central line and whiskers: mean ± SD of replicate means. Pairwise comparisons based on a linear mixed model (n.s., not significant; ***, p<0.001). (B) Two yeast strains were imaged for 8 hr after change of carbon source from glucose to galactose (see Materials and methods). Cells express EGFP-Ede1 under the control of GALS promoter (green channel only), or Ede1-EGFP and Sla1-mCherry expressed from the endogenous loci (green and magenta, respectively). Scale bars: 2 μm. (C) Fluorescence intensity during the expression induction was measured in regions representing entire cells (2 and 4 in panel B) and their cytoplasm (1 and 3). Mean intensity is shown for endogenously expressed (wt) or overexpressed (oe) Ede1 after background subtraction, ±2 × SEM (n = 40 cells for each strain).