Figure 6. Ede1 features necessary for phase separation are also crucial for its function.
(A) Representative cells expressing full-length Ede1 and three internal Ede1 deletion mutants: Ede1ΔPQ (Δ366-590), Ede1ΔCC (Δ591-900), and Ede1ΔPQCC (Δ366-900) tagged with EGFP. (B) Representative cells expressing Sla1-EGFP and indicated Ede1 mutants. (C, D) Sla1 patch density and lifetime in Ede1 mutants. Large points represent mean measurements from independently repeated datasets. Central line and whiskers denote the mean ± SD calculated from dataset averages. Gray points show individual observations. Letters denote pairwise comparisons based on Tukey-Kramer test; groups which do not share any letters are significantly different at α = 0.05. Scale bars: 2 μm.