(A) Experimental design for recordings of IPSCs evoked by stimulation of basket cell axons (ML, molecular layer; PCL, Purkinje cell layer; GCL, granule cell layer; PC, Purkinje cell; Rec., recording patch pipette). (B & C) The Clstn3 KO decreases the amplitude of evoked basket-cell IPSCs (B, representative traces of pairs of evoked IPSCs with a 50ms inter-stimulus interval; (C) summary graphs of the amplitude of the first IPSC). (D & E) The Clstn3 KO in Purkinje cells does not affect the release probability at inhibitory synapses as judged by the coefficient of variation (D) and the paired-pulse ratio with an interstimulus interval of 50ms (E) of evoked IPSCs. (F) The Clstn3 KO in Purkinje cells has no significant effect on IPSC kinetics (left, rise times; right, decay times of evoked ISPCs). All summary data are means ± SEM. Numbers of cells/mice analyzed are indicated in bar graphs. Statistical analyses were performed using unpaired t-tests, with *p < 0.05.