Fig. 4. Gene flow among ancient rat populations.
A The f-statistics showing admixture between different ancient rat populations. The dots show all the combinations of f4-statistics as described above each cluster, with the center being f4 values and the error bars being ±3SE of the estimates. The SE is determined using jackknife with sample size (n) being the number of autosomal scaffolds. The three clusters show the affinity between: (top, red) medieval rats (Med) and western European Roman rats (Roman_WEU); (middle, blue) Roman rats (Roman) and western European medieval rats (Med_WEU); and (bottom, green) post-medieval Buda Castle rats (BUD001/4) and the medieval Buda Castle rat (BUD003), respectively. The source data is provided in Supplementary Data 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. B Admixture graph with two migration events fitted, estimated by Treemix. The migration edges are displayed by arrow including the introgression fractions and standard errors. The colour of each branch represents the time period of each group: Roman/Byzantine (red) and medieval/post-medieval (blue).