Table 3.
ImageJ Macros used:
Macrol: Pre-filtering for dot co-localization |
showMessage(“Open Channel Red”); //Select Channel Red |
open(); |
red = getTitle(); |
showMessage(“Open Channel GFP“); //Select Channel GFP |
open(); |
gfp = getTitle(); //Then, we are going to filter both channels |
selectWindow(gfp); |
run(“Median…”, “radius=1 stack”); //Filtering |
run(“Unsharp Mask…”, “radius=2 mask=0.5 stack”); //Filtering |
selectWindow(red); |
run(“Median…”, “radius=1 stack”); //Filtering |
run(“Unsharp Mask…”, “radius=2 mask=0.5 stack”); //Filtering |
run(“JACoP ”); //Open JACoP plugin |
Macro2: Analyze dots |
showMessage(“Open the Image”); //Select image |
open(); |
run(“Duplicate…”, “ ”); //We want to do the segmentation in a copy of the original, therefore we duplicate |
run(“Median…”, “radius=1”); //Filtering |
run(“Unsharp Mask…”, “radius=2 mask=0.50”); //Filtering |
run(“Threshold…”); // to open the threshold window if not opened yet |
waitForUser(“Set the threshold and press OK, or cancel to exit macro”); // pauses the execution and lets you access ImageJ manually |
run(“Analyze Particles…”); //to take the ROIs |
waitForUser(“Finally, use these ROIs in the original window”); //A note to correctly continue after the macro |
Macro3: Counting colonies |
showMessage(“Open the Image”); //Select image with colonies |
open(); |
rename(“Initial”); |
run(“Duplicate…”, “ ”); |
run(“Threshold…”); // to open the threshold window if not opened yet |
waitForUser(“set the threshold and press OK, or cancel to exit macro”); // pauses the execution and lets you access ImageJ manually as long as you donť press OK, which resumes the macro execution |
run(“Convert to Mask”); // to binarize, if you use this command, donť press ‘Apply’ in the threshold window |
run(“Watershed”); //to separate close colonies |
rename(“Mask”); |
waitForUser(“Calibration: Draw a line along the Petri dish \nand introduce the known size in Analize/SetScale, then press OK”); |
run(“Threshold…”); |
waitForUser(“Set the threshold and press OK, or cancel to exit macro”); // pauses the execution and lets you access ImageJ manually |
run(“Analyze Particles…”); //to take the ROIs |