Table 1:
S | Sample size | Unadjusted | Treatment effect modeling | Weighting |
1 | 48 | −29.3 (−70.0, 11.5) | −50.9 (−75.8, −25.9) | −48.9 (−76.8, −20.9) |
2 | 98 | −42.3 (−68.1, −16.4) | −29.9 (−42.8, −17.0) | −23.3 (−46.5, −0.2) |
3 | 133 | −43.3 (−66.1, −20.4) | −31.2 (−44.2, −18.2) | −27.4 (−50.0, −4.7) |
4 | 69 | −24.0 (−50.6, 2.6) | −35.3 (−52.5, −18.1) | −26.9 (−49.0, −4.8) |
5 | 77 | −71.8 (−97.7, −45.9) | −63.5 (−77.6, −49.5) | −49.5 (−76.9, −22.1) |
6 | 110 | −38.0 (−62.2, −13.8) | −33.4 (−54.3, −12.6) | −32.3 (−56.8, −7.8) |
7 | 94 | −43.2 (−72.9, −13.5) | −60.6 (−83.5, −37.7) | −54.7 (−97.6, −11.9) |
8 | 100 | −49.7 (−72.9, −26.6) | −54.0 (−71.1, −37.0) | −57.0 (−77.7, −36.3) |
9 | 43 | −24.6 (−57.0, 7.7) | −48.8 (−68.7, −28.8) | −33.9 (−61.7, −6.2) |
0 | 202 | −45.7 (−63.6, −27.9) | −43.7 (−52.2, −35.2) | −42.4 (−52.6, −32.3) |
Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals (in parentheses) from analyses using the multi-center HALT-C trial data to emulate a meta-analysis. Unadjusted results are obtained using the crude mean difference in each trial for all rows. Treatment effect modeling results are obtained using the estimator of equation (6) in rows 1 through 9 and estimator (8) in the bottom row; weighting results are obtained using the estimator of equation (7) in rows 1 through 9 and estimator (9) in the bottom row. In rows 1 through 9, for each trial unadjusted results use only treatment and outcome data from each trial ; transportability analyses use covariate, treatment, and outcome data from each trial and baseline covariate data from S = 0. In the bottom row, the unadjusted analysis uses only treatment and outcome data from the center S = 0; transportability analyses use covariate, treatment, and outcome data from all trials in the collection and baseline covariate data from S = 0.