Fig 4: CN small cells receive excitatory cholinergic input from MOCs.
A) Blocking muscarinic cholinergic receptors with atropine supresses CN small-cell and chopper responses to tones. Top row shows mean RLFs ± SD for primary-like, chopper cells and small cells before and after local application of atropine via a drug-delivery probe. SC n = 34; PL n = 35; Ch n = 21. B) RLFs of an example small cell showing recovery from atropine infusion. RLFs were measured at baseline (B), immediately after infusion (0) and 1 – 3 hours post infusion. Inset: PSTH. C) Electrically stimulating MOC neurons increases tone-evoked responses in small cells but not choppers. Mean RLFs ± SD for primary-like, chopper cells and small cells are shown before and during MOC electrical stimulation. SC n = 138; PL n = 261; Ch n = 96. D) RLFs of an example small cell showing that atropine infusion blocks the excitatory effect of VNTB stimulation. Inset: PSTH.