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. 2022 May 4;17(5):e0268046. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268046

Table 3. Weight retention (kg) at 1 and 6 months postpartum.

Time point Feeding type Maternal prepregnancy BMI category
n = 10647
Normal weight
n = 48293
n = 4506
n = 1023
All participants
n = 64469
1 month Overall FB 4.0±2.73*** [4467] 3.4±3.04*** [20190] 0.6±4.08** [1416] -2.7±4.86 [267] 3.2±3.21*** [26340]
NFB 4.3±2.88 [6180] 3.6±3.26 [28103] 1.0±4.33 [3090] -2.3±5.04 [756] 3.3±3.53 [38129]
Weight gain during pregnancy
Below IOM recommendations FB 3.0±2.16*** [3272] 1.9±2.36 [12095] −3.0±3.18 [487] −6.4±3.84 [119] 1.9±2.65** [15973]
NFB 3.2±2.26 [4329] 1.9±2.46 [16391] −2.7±3.27 [1072] −5.7±3.78 [359] 1.8±2.92 [22151]
Within IOM recommendations FB 6.3±2.01** [1103] 5.1±2.10*** [6827] 1.2±2.32* [603] −1.1±2.61 [95] 4.9±2.47* [8628]
NFB 6.5±1.98 [1676] 5.3±2.25 [9587] 1.5±2.47 [1220] −0.9±2.60 [213] 5.0±2.68 [12696]
Above IOM recommendations FB 10.0±3.05 [92] 8.5±2.73** [1268] 4.9±3.11 [326] 2.5±3.44 [53] 7.7±3.34 [1739]
NFB 10.7±3.16 [175] 8.8±2.96 [2125] 5.3±3.40 [798] 2.7±4.31 [184] 7.7±3.76 [3282]
6 month Overall FB 1.0±2.81*** [4467] 0.2±3.21*** [20190] −2.2±4.59*** [1416] −4.8±5.67** [267] 0.2±3.37*** [26340]
NFB 1.6±2.82 [6180] 0.9±3.50 [28103] −0.7±4.83 [3090] −3.4±6.40 [756] 0.8±3.69 [38129]
Weight gain during pregnancy
Below IOM recommendations FB 0.5±2.68*** [3272] −0.6±2.90*** [12095] −4.6±4.23*** [487] −7.5±5.77** [119] −0.6±3.12*** [15973]
NFB 1.0±2.45 [4329] −0.1±3.06 [16391] −3.1±4.22 [1072] −5.8±5.93 [359] −0.1±3.27 [22151]
Within IOM recommendations FB 2.1±2.57*** [1103] 1.1±2.95*** [6827] −1.8±3.88*** [603] −2.7±4.43 [95] 0.9±3.14*** [8628]
NFB 2.8±2.84 [1676] 1.9±3.19 [9587] −0.4±4.08 [1220] −1.9±5.22 [213] 1.7±3.41 [12696]
Above IOM recommendations FB 4.9±3.60* [92] 3.4±3.94*** [1268] 0.8±4.38*** [326] −2.2±4.64 [53] 2.8±4.28*** [1739]
NFB 5.9±3.71 [175] 4.5±4.28 [2125] 2.2±5.00 [798] −0.6±6.89 [184] 3.7±4.86 [3282]

Mean±SD, N in brackets




Weight gain during pregnancy = (weight at delivery)−(pre-pregnancy weight). BMI: body mass index, FB: full breast-feeding, NFB: non full breast-feeding, IOM: Institute of Medicine.