(a–c) There were significant differences in the apparent kinetic parameters of lumefantrine (a), mefloquine (b), and chloroquine (c) transport between field isoforms of PfMDR1. The concentration dependence of PfMDR1-mediated drug transport was calculated by subtracting the leakage from ne from that of oocytes expressing a PfMDR1 isoform at each drug concentration. (d–f) The transport of [3H]vinblastine via PfMDR1 was inhibited by lumefantrine (d), [3H]mefloquine (e), and [3H]chloroquine (f). The data are the mean of n = 4 independent experiments (each yielding similar results), and the error is the SEM. The asterisks denote a significant difference from PfMDR1NYSND; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ns nonsignificant (1-way ANOVA). The data underlying this figure is supplied in S3 Data. ne, nonexpressing oocytes; PfMDR1, Plasmodium falciparum multidrug resistance protein 1.