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. 2022 May 5;24(8):1653–1663. doi: 10.1016/j.gim.2022.04.007

Table 1.

Qualifying variants in the top 5 significant genes in the asymptomatic cohort

Variant Gene rsID Variant Effect MAF (NFE Population)a CADD Score MutationTaster M-CAP score No of Heterozygotes
p.(Ser109Cys) MASP1 NA Missense SNV 0 27.2 Disease 0.03738 1
p.(Arg677Cys) MASP1 rs368168610 Missense SNV 0.00003434 29 Disease 0.231827 1
p.(Tyr244Cys) MASP1 rs28945071 Missense SNV 0.0005 27.4 Disease 0.138472 1
p.(Val666Leu) MASP1 NA Missense SNV 0.000001804 33 Disease 0.172555 2
p.(Lys591Alafs∗14) MASP1 rs533160857 Frameshift deletion 0.00013334 39 NA NA 3
p.(Ser174Leu) COLEC11 rs140226372 Missense SNV 0 32 Disease 0.070292 2
p.(Glu34Gly) COLEC11 NA Missense SNV 0 25.3 Disease 0.620558 4
p.(Asp81Gly) COLEC10 rs770053333 Missense SNV 0.000001796 17.21 Disease 0.05912 5
p.(Arg130∗) CFHR2 rs41313888 Stop gain 0.000575 34 Disease NA 1
p.(Thr67Asnfs∗3) CFHR2 rs779257906 Frameshift insertion 0.000008975 NA NA NA 1
p.(Pro166Ser) CD55 rs924315999 Missense SNV 0.000002245 24.9 Disease 0.201836 1
p.(Cys225Arg) CD55 NA Missense SNV 0 23.5 Disease 0.645858 1

CADD, Combined Annotation Dependent Depletion; ExAC, Exome Aggregation Consortium; gnomAD, Genome Aggregation Database; MAF, minor allele frequency; M-CAP, Mendelian Clinically Applicable Pathogenicity; NA, not applicable; NFE, non-Finnish European; SNV, single-nucleotide variation.


Mean of MAF frequency in NFE population according to gnomAD, ExAC, and 1000 Genomes projects.