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. 2022 May 4;12:7286. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-11042-w

Table 3.

Comparison of assay sensitivity in paired plasma and whole blood.

Analyte PCR-confirmed species n of paired samples Plasma Whole blood P-value from McNemar’s paired test comparing plasma vs whole blood sensitivity
Threshold (pg/mL) Sensitivity (95%CI) Threshold (pg/mL) Sensitivity (95%CI) Uncorrected Yates correction
HRP2 Pf 63 40.84 92.1 (82.4–97.4) 4.31 100 (94.3–100) 0.025 0.044
Pf-LDH Pf 63 17.81 88.9 (78.4–95.4) 12.64 100 (94.3–100) 0.008 0.014
Pf-LDH Pm 24 17.81 95.8 (78.9–99.9) 12.64 100 (85.8–100) 0.32 0.62
Pv-LDH Pv 65 9.14 76.9 (64.8–86.5) 75.66 93.9 (85.0–98.3) 0.0009 0.002
Pv-LDH Pk 66 9.14 97.0 (89.5–99.6) 75.66 93.9 (85.2–98.3) 0.41 0.54
Pan-LDH All malaria 220 27.56 87.3 (82.1–91.4) 84.42 95.5 (91.8–97.8) 0.0001 0.0002
CRP All malaria 220 26,212a 89.6 (84.7–93.3) 13,768.a 80.0 (74.1–85.1) 0.0006 0.0008

PCR polymerase chain reaction, CI confidence interval, Pf Plasmodium falciparum, Pv Plasmodium vivax, Pk Plasmodium knowlesi, Pm Plasmodium malariae, Po Plasmodium ovale, HRP2 Histidine-rich protein-2, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, CRP C-reactive protein.

aUnits of ng/mL.