Fig. 7. de novo promoter-enriched TF motifs and IPA predicted TFs using differential expression analyses with respect to 16 HMOs.
A MEME identified TF motifs and 5 known TFs (ETV4, ETS1, EGR1, SP1, and ERG) associated with them (see Supplementary Table 4). MEME-discovered TFs were cross-referenced with known TF binding sites using TOMTOM. Logos for the matched known and discovered motifs are shown in the top and bottom of each subpanel; the p-value is a logo matching significance calculated by TOMTOM. B Subset of a biclustering of activation z-score computed by IPA indicating the likelihood that a TF activates (z > 0) or inhibits (z < 0) an HMO concentration signature (gene expression associated with changes in HMO concentration). The full biclustering can be found in the supplement (Supplementary Fig. 19).