Figure 4.
Aβ is the form of APP required for Melanoma Brain Metastasis. A, Diagram of wildtype APP and SPA4CT-T43P. B, Western blot analysis using anti-APP 22C11 and APP C1/6.1 in 12–273 BM cells transduced with the indicated constructs. C, Quantification of Aβ secretion by ELISA in 12–273 BM infected cells. sg-NTC empty vs. sg-APP empty (* p<0.05), sg-NTC empty vs. sg-APP APP-770 (* p<0.05). D-E, Intracardiac injection in mice of 12–273 BM sg-NTC or sg-APP transduced with indicated constructs (10–12 NSG mice per group). D, Representative images of FFPE brain slides with metastatic cells stained by anti-NuMA immunohistochemistry. D, Quantification of NuMA+ metastatic cells in mouse brains. sg-NTC vs. sg-APP (* p<0.05).