Rating of the likelihood of pest freedom | Pest free with some exceptional cases (based on the Median) | ||||
Percentile of the distribution | 5% | 25% | Median | 75% | 95% |
Proportion of pest free bundles |
9,956 out of 10,000 bundles |
9,969 out of 10,000 bundles |
9,981 out of 10,000 bundles |
9,990 out of 10,000 bundles |
9,997 out of 10,000 bundles |
Proportion of infested bundles |
3 out of 10,000 bundles |
10 out of 10,000 bundles |
19 out of 10,000 bundles |
31 out of 10,000 bundles |
44 out of 10,000 bundles |
Summary of the information used for the evaluation |
Possibility that the pest could become associate with the commodity C. baileyi deutogynes hibernate mainly in small, permanently dormant buds and under the loose bark of spurs and around buds on 1‐year‐old shoots. Malus domestica is a host of the pest and the species can complete its life cycle on this host, however sometimes this species is vagrant surviving on the leaves. The most possible way to spread is through the introduction of plant materials, as the mite can be found in buds, even in resting ones. There is no reference in the literature regarding the possibility of fruit being a pathway. There are no data on the active dispersal capacity of the pest. It is present in Turkey with some details on its distribution, however there is no C. baileyi pest‐free area in Turkey. Measures taken against the pest and their efficacy The relevant proposed measures are: (i) Inspection, certification and surveillance, (ii) Roguing and pruning, (iii) Pesticide application, (iv) Natural biological control, (v) Refrigeration and (vi) Pre‐consignment inspection. Interception records There are no records of interceptions from Turkey. Shortcomings of current measures/procedures Visual inspection especially in the case of low infestations without using an adequate magnification considering the tiny size of the individuals both adults and juveniles. Phytoseiid species are reported preying on this species. They can be present in the environment though no details are provided in the dossier. Chemical applications can affect biological control agents. Some of the pesticides listed in the dossier might be effective against the mite, specifically acrinathrin and abamectin. However, no details are given on the pesticide application schedule and on the application methods. Low storage temperature can prevent or slow down the development of the pest but will not eliminate it. Main uncertainties – It is unclear whether the pesticides are applied on a calendar basis or following ad hoc application as function of pest presence, or both – Screening of certified material for this pest could not ensure pest absence because of the tiny size of the individuals both adults and juveniles |