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. 2022 Mar 31;13(1):e4. doi: 10.5037/jomr.2022.13104

Table 2.

Repeated measures ANOVA results examining the effect of posture on jaw rotation and translation around x, y and z axes during maximal and comfortable opening

Maximum opening Comfortable opening

F P Post hoc F P Post hoc
Peak tilt 0.55 0.587 N/A 1.7 0.217 N/A

Peak opening 4.77 0.001a N > U > S 1.59 0.232 N/A

Peak lateral deviation 0.53 0.486 N/A 0.09 0.815 N/A

Peak anterior translation 3.38 0.052 N/A 8.59 0.002a U > N, U > S

Peak lateral translation 0.93 0.390 N/A 0.32 0.629 N/A

Peak inferior translation 66.55 < 0.0001a U > N, N > S, U > S 67.88 < 0.0001a U > N, N > S, U > S

aSignificant ANOVA results at the corrected alpha level of P = 0.0033.

N/A = not applicable; N = neutral posture; U = upright posture; S = slumped posture; F = statistic from ANOVA; P = P-value from ANOVA.