Table 2:
Characteristics of Retained Studies
Study: Author Year Country Risk of Bias |
Participants: N Age Gender Race/ethnicity (Intervention; Control) |
Study Design | Intervention: Education type Duration Interventionist Recipient of education |
Insulin Delivery Method (Intervention; Control) |
| ||||
Christie et al54 2014 UK High |
159; 168 13.1 ± 2.1; 13.2 ± 2.1 Female: 57.2%; 53.6% White British 83.7%; 76.8% Asian British 3.1%; 8.3% |
Pragmatic, cluster | Manual-based four-module structured education program with psychological approaches vs. usual care 4 months Pediatric diabetes specialist nurse Patient, caregiver |
Not reported |
Christie et al55 2016 England High |
159; 168 13.1 ± 2.1; 13.2 ± 2.1 Female 57.2%; 53.6% White 86.8%; 79.8% Black 3.1%; 3.6% Asian 3.1%; 8.3% |
Pragmatic, cluster | Manual-based four-module structured education program vs. regular clinic visits 4 months Diabetes specialist, nurse Patient, caregiver |
Not reported |
Dinneen et al57,59 2009, 2013 Ireland High |
216; 221 40.1 ± 12; 41.5 ± 11.4 Female 50%; 57.5% Not reported |
Cluster | DAFNE course plus booster sessions vs. DAFNE course plus 2, one-to-one visits 12 months MD, nurse, or RD Patient |
Ellis et al53,55 2019 US High |
23 families; 24 families Patient: 13.46 ± 2.24; 15.02 ± 2.32 Family member: 40.01 ± 6.44; 43.31 ± 8.10 Female 96% White 17%, 17% Black 83%; 75% |
Pragmatic | Structured modules DSME program vs. standard medical care 6 months Community Health Worker Patient, caregiver |
Not reported |
Fiallo-Scharer et al43 2019 US High |
106 families; 108 families Patient: 8–12 yrs 44.4%, 13–16 yrs 44.3%; 55.6%, 55.7% Family member: 42.0 ± 5.8; 41.7 ± 6.6 Female 54.6%; 43.4% White 85.2%; 82.1% |
Parallel arm clinical trial | Usual care plus group sessions (used results of PRISM surveys to determine type of self-management resource [motivation, understanding and organizing care, and family interactions]) vs. usual care 9 months 12 months (written in another place) Not reported Patient, caregiver |
Guo et al60 2020 China Low |
50; 52 Patient: 8–12 44%, 13–20 56%; 36%, 64% Female 60%; 52% Not reported |
RCT | 2-day camp and five monthly phone calls (Coping Skills Training) vs. reminders and encouragement to attend quarterly clinic visits for usual care Duration not clearly reported (5 months or 12 months) Nurses, research assistant Patient |
Not reported |
Ismail et al44 2008 UK High |
Group 1: 117, Group 2: 106; 121 Group 1: 35.7, Group 2: 36.6; 36 Female Group 1: 65%, Group 2: 62.3%; 54.6% Group 1: White 75.2%, Group 2: 79.2%; 86% Group 1: Black 24.8%, Group 2: 20.8%; 14.1% |
RCT (data collector/lab personnel blinded) | Group 1: Usual care with motivation interviewing Group 2: Usual care + MI + Cognitive Behavior Therapy vs. protocol of “minimum standards of diabetes care” based on national guidelines Group 1: 2 months, 4 sessions Group 2: 6 months, 12 sessions Diabetes nurse with training in MI and CBT Patient |
Ismail et al61 2010 UK High |
MET + CBT: 106 MET: 117; 121 MET + CBT: 37.2 ± 9.9 MET: 35.6 ± 9.6; 36.4 ± 11.3 Female MET + CBT: 62.3%, MET: 65%; 54.6% MET + CBT: White 79.3%, MET: 75.2%; 86% |
Not reported | MET + CBT: motivational enhancement therapy plus cognitive behavioral therapy MET only: motivational enhancement therapy vs. usual care every three months 12 months (not clearly defined) Nurses trained and supervised by clinical psychologists Patient |
Not reported |
Kirwan et al62 2013 Australia High |
36; 36 35.97 (10.67); 34.42 (10.26) Female 47.2%; 75% Not reported |
RCT | Smart Phone App (Glucose buddy)-weekly text message with educator then usual care every 3 months vs. usual care every 3 months (from data extraction) 6 months – duration 9 months – 3 months STOP Certified Diabetes Educator Patient |
CSII 38% MDI 62% |
Mayer-Davis63 2018 US Low |
129; 128 14.8(1.1); 14.9 (1.1) Female 45.4%; 53.9% White 78.1%; 76.9% Black 5.4%; 3.1% Hispanic 13.3.%; 12.3% Other 5.5%; 5.4% |
RCT (assessment staff not blinded) | FLEX intervention vs. usual care 18 months Care coach (members of type 1 diabetes care team) trained in MI with guidance of psychologist Patient, caregiver |
MDI 31.8%; 26.8% CSII 68.2%; 73.2% |
Mitchell et al64 2018 Scotland Low |
9; 9 12; 12 Female 70%; 50% Not reported |
RCT (data blinded to interventionist) | 4-week individualized, graduated physical activity program vs. waiting list 4 weeks Physical activity specialist Patient, caregiver |
Not reported |
Murphy et al65 2012 UK High |
158; 147 13.1; 13.1 Female 53%; 51% White 93%; 91% Not specified 7%; 9% |
RCT not blinded | FACTS plus traditional DSMES with family communications training vs. conventional care with 3-monthly outpatient clinic appointments Six, 90-minute sessions held monthly vs. four, 3-month outpatient clinic appointments Multidisciplinary team Adolescent and parent |
Premixed 16%; 20% MDI 77%; 72% CSII 6%; 7% |
Newton et al66 2013 US High |
25; 25 14; 15 Female 80%; 52% White 92%; 100% Other 8% |
RCT | Teen’s Talk website consisting of blogs, discussion forums, and chat room –topics facilitated discussion about a weekly topic. Allowed teens to discuss difficult psychological problems. Asynchronous. vs standard medical care with no participation in website 7 weeks Not specified Patient Moderator hosted session |
MDI 44%; 36% CSII 56%; 64% |
Noyes et al45 2020 UK Some concerns |
190; 114 12.4; 12.7 Female 55%; 52% White 94%; 98% Other 6%; 2% |
RCT not blinded; assessors blinded | Standardized but flexible self-management kit known as EPIC vs. usual care 6 months “Clinical team” Patient, caregiver |
MDI 88%; 84% CSII 12%; 16% |
Price et al56 2016 UK High |
13.71; 13.92 Female 53.8%; 56.8% White 90.5%; 93.4% Other 9.5%; 6.6% |
RCT not blinded | KICK-OFF five-day group intervention focusing on CHO counting and insulin adjustment and acute and chronic complications and scenario based vs. usual education from home care team Five sessions over five straight days Team of nurse and dietitian from program Patient, caregiver |
Pyatak et al58 2018 US High |
31; 30 23.3 ± 3.6; 21.9 ± 3.3 Female 54%; 72% White 7%; 12% Black 7%; 12% Hispanic 85%; 70% |
RCT | Flexibility delivered Seven content modules vs. initial home visit by Healthcare staff providing National Diabetes Education handouts and and 11 follow up phone calls 6 months Two licensed occupational therapists with training in motivational interviewing and diabetes self-management education Patient |
Not reported by type Fixed regimen 38% MDI 43% CSII 11% |
Sanchez-Hernandez et al67 2018 Canary Islands/Spain High |
48; 32 33; 36 Female 48.7%; 50% Not reported |
RCT parallel (not blinded) | 5-day group education intervention with DSMES (ANAIS program – does not spell out) vs. routine care (control participants allowed to access program after 12 months outcomes not reported) 12 months 2 nurses and physician Patient |
Not reported |
Trento et al68 2011 Italy Some concerns |
27; 29 37.76 ± 12.6; 36.76 ± 7.9 Female 33.3%; 41.4% Not reported |
RCT not blinded | 8-session carbohydrate counting program with usual care by Group Care (session of group education substituted for routine visits – established program x several years) vs. Group Care only 8 sessions every 3 to 4 months Physician, Psychopedagogist, Dietitian, Nurse Patient |
Weinger et al69 2011 US High |
37; 37 (attention) 36 (individual) 46.6 Female 56.4% White 95.5% |
RCT | Structural Behavioral Group: consisted of five, 2-hour sessions of highly structured behavior based activities and information do care on dietary exercise, medication and goal 6 weeks Experienced diabetes nurses and dietitians who were certified diabetes educators Patient |
Not reported |
Abbreviations: CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy; CDE, certified diabetes educator; CGM = continuous glucose monitoring
CSII = continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (insulin pump)
DAFNE = dose adjustment for normal eating
EPIC = evidence into practice – information counts
FACTS = families, adolescents and children teamwork study
FLEX = Flexible Lifestyle Empowering Changes
KICK-OFF = Kids in Control of Food
MDI = multiple daily injections
MET = motivational enhancement therapy
MI = motivational interviewing
PRISM = Problem Recognition in Illness Self-Management
RCT = randomized controlled trial
US = United States
UK = United Kingdom