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. 2022 Apr 21;3:877554. doi: 10.3389/fgwh.2022.877554

Table 2.

Systematic review of community samples.

References Measures Sample Correlation (r)
Aim et al. (59) BASS subscale of MBSRQ; 11-item WBIS-M Emerging adults 0.63
Argyrides et al. (38) MSBRQ Appearance Evaluation; Greek WBIS-M Community sample in Greece 0.70
Austen et al. (60) Male Body Attitudes Scale; 11-item WBIS-M Internet panel 0.73
Bevan et al. (61) MSBRQ Appearance Evaluation; 11-item WBIS-M University students 0.71
Boswell and White (62) EDE-Q Weight and Shape Concern; 11-item WBIS Overweight and obese adults Women: EDE-Shape = 0.71 Women: EDE-Weight = 0.66 Men: EDE-Shape and WBIS = 0.74 Men: EDE-Weight and WBIS = 0.68
Burnette and Mazzeo (63) EDE-Q Dissatisfaction; 11-item WBIS-M College women in intuitive eating trial 0.85
Burnette and Mazzeo (64) EDE-Q Dissatisfaction; 11-item WBIS-M College students 0.80
Carels et al. (65) Weight Concerns Scale; 11-item WBIS-M Women in heterosexual relationship 0.64
Durso and Latner (6) 14-item BSQ; 11-item WBIS Overweight internet sample 0.75
Gmeiner and Warschburger (66)* Researcher-created single-item of body dissatisfaction; WBIS-C Children between ages of 6-11 0.36
Godoy-Izquierdo et al. (67) Researcher-created single-item of body dissatisfaction; WBIS-M (Spanish) Spanish adults w/BMI > 25 0.44
Horn and Jongenelis (68) EDI Body Dissatisfaction; 11-item WBIS-M Prolific panel members 0.72
Jung et al. (69) Appearance evaluation subscale of MSBRQ; 11-item WBIS Randomly selected Germans 0.40
Lee et al. (70) Appearance Evaluation subscale and BASS of MBSRQ combined; 11-item WBIS College student sample 0.67
Lin et al. (71)* Real/ideal discrepancy; Self-devaluation sub-scale of the WSSQ Overweight and obese adolescents 0.32
Maiano et al. (72)* Physical Appearance Self-Description Questionnaire and self-stigma subscale of the WSSQ Overweight and obese French-speaking adolescents 0.43
Meadows and Higgs (12) Appearance Evaluation subscale of MSBRQ and 11-item WBIS Overweight and fat identifying participants 0.80
Meadows et al. (73) Appearance Evaluation subscale of MSBRQ and self-stigma subscale of WSSQ University student sample and MTurk sample University sample = 0.68; MTurk sample = 0.55
Mensinger et al. (74) EDE-Q Shape and Weight Concern and 11-item WBIS Women in healthy living program EDE-Q Shape = 0.36; EDE-Q Weight = 0.46
Olson et al. (75) 14-item BSQ; 10-item WBIS Overweight and obese women seeking weight loss 0.54
Pearl et al. (36) MBSRQ Appearance Evaluation; 10 item WBIS WW participants in the U.S. . 0.70
Pearl and Puhl (76) 14-item BSQ; 11-item WBIS M-Turk across all weight statuses 0.77
Pearl and Dovidio (77) EDI-BD; 11-item WBIS Overweight M-Turk participants 0.69
Purton et al. (78) EDE-Q (Weight and Shape Averaged); 11-item WBIS-M Ethnically diverse college students 0.76 female 0.60 male
Romano et al. (79) EPSI Body Dissatisfaction; 11-item WBIS-M Two samples of college students 0.74, 0.76
Schvey and White (11) EDE-Q; 19-item WBIS Normal and underweight community members EDE-Shape and WBIS = 0.67 EDE-Weight and WBIS = 0.69
Selensky and Carels (80) Body Image States Scale (BISS); 11-item WBIS-M Female college student volunteers for online experiment 0.27
Sienko et al. (9) EDE-Q; 11-item WBIS College students EDE-Shape and WBIS = 0.77 EDE-Weight and WBIS = 0.80
Zuba and Warschburger (81)* Single-item body dissatisfaction; WBIS-C Children and adolescents 9-13 years old .59

EDE-Q, Eating Disorders Examination Questionnaire; WBIS, Weight Bias Internalization Scale; BSQ, Body Shape Questionnaire; EDI-BD, Eating Disorder Inventory-Body Dissatisfaction; EPSI, Eating Pathology Symptom Inventory; MSBRQ, Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire.


child or adolescent sample.