a, Overlap of differentially expressed genes in MECP2 mutant organoids (all cell groups) with SFARI autism spectrum disorder (ASD) gene categories 1-3 and DisGeNET epilepsy Gene-Disease Association list (CUI: C0014544). Overlaps between data are indicated by red and green shading and displayed as Venn diagrams in b. c, Two-sided Fisher’s Exact Test was used to determine if Up/Downregulated genes show enrichment for genes in SFARI and epilepsy gene lists. Odds ratio from the test are displayed along with Bonferroni-corrected P values. Up/Epilepsy: ***P = 0.0016, Down/Epilepsy: ****P =1.81×10−5, Up/ASD: ****P = 5.72×10−9, Down/ASD: P = 1.00.