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. 2022 Feb 10;37(5):884–894. doi: 10.1093/humrep/deac009

Table II.

PEARL trial characteristics with patient baseline characteristics and outcomes.

PEARL I: Ulipristal vs placebo for 3 months (Donnez et al., 2012a) PEARL II: Ulipristal vs GnRHa* for 3 months (Donnez et al., 2012b) PEARL III-Extensions: Ulipristal 10 mg 4 repeated courses (Donnez et al., 2014) PEARL III-2nd Extension: Ulipristal 10 mg 8 repeated courses (Fauser et al., 2017) PEARL IV: Ulipristal 5 vs 10 mg 2 repeated courses (Donnez et al., 2015) PEARL IV-Extension: Ulipristal 5 vs 10 mg 4 repeated courses (Donnez et al., 2016)
Design Randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, placebo-controlled Randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, double-dummy, active-comparator–controlled Repeated intermittent ulipristal courses, followed by randomized double-blind NETA or placebo Optional, long-term, open-label extension, available to PEARL III first extension participants Randomized, double-blind controlled trial Randomized, double- blind controlled trial
Patients 85% Caucasian 85% Caucasian 86% Caucasian 94% Caucasian
  • 5 mg ulipristal: 93% Caucasian

  • 10 mg ulipristal: 96% Caucasian

  • 5 mg ulipristal: 93% Caucasian

  • 10 mg ulipristal: 96% Caucasian

Baseline fibroid characteristics: Total fibroids: 3 Largest fibroids: 3 Largest fibroids: BL fibroid characteristics: not mentioned in publication BL fibroid characteristics for PEARL IV and its extension are the same, as this is the same BL population
5 mg ulipristal 5 mg ulipristal GnRHa 1 Course 4 Courses 3 Largest fibroids: 5 mg 10 mg
Volume (cm3) 100.7 79.6 59.2 53.9 49.8 42.6 43.6
Diameter (cm) ∼5.8 ∼5.3 ∼4.8 ∼4.7 ∼4.6 ∼4.3 ∼4.4
Complaints based on Questionnaires Mild: Severe: Mild: Severe: Mild: Severe: Mild: Severe:
  • SF MGPQ  6.5

  • VAS 49.0

  • Discomfort 14.0

PBAC >200
  • SF MGPQ  9.0

  • VAS 49.0

  • SSS 54.0

  • HRQOL 53.0

PBAC >200
  • SF MGPQ  8.0

  • VAS 38.0

  • SSS 47.7

  • HRQOL 57.1

PBAC >200 PBAC > 200
VAS 39.5 43.0
SSS 50.0 50.0
HRQOL 56.9 55.2
  • Ulipristal 5 mg: 96 patients

  • Ulipristal 10 mg: 98 patients

  • Ulipristal 5 mg: 97

  • Ulipristal 10 mg: 103

Ulipristal 10 mg + 10 days NETA 10 mg Ulipristal 10 mg Ulipristal 5 mg: 228 patients
Comparison Placebo: 48 patients GnRHa: 101 patients Ulipristal 10 mg + 10 days placebo Ulipristal 10 mg: 223 patients
Outcomes Ulipristal showed a significant effect compared to placebo in terms of:
  • Reduction of bleeding

  • Amenorrhoea rates

  • Reduction in fibroid volume

Adverse events (AE) monitored (PAECs) for up to 6 months after stopping treatment

Surgical parameters were not evaluated

  • Ulipristal was not inferior to GnRHa in terms of bleeding reduction

  • Bleeding control was obtained more rapidly with ulipristal

  • GnRHa showed a more marked reduction of fibroid volume; more regrowth (>6 months) was observed, when compared with ulipristal

  • GnRHa showed more hot flushes

  • Endometrial-biopsies showed reversible PAECs

Surgical parameters were not evaluated

  • ±60% (N = 132) started 2 courses

  • ±50% (N = 107) started 4 courses

  • Amenorrhoea rates were stable (±89%) over repeated courses

  • All endometrial biopsies showed benign histology without hyperplasia

  • NETA did not affect fibroid volume or endometrial histology

Fibroid volume reduction increased slightly with repeated courses, after course 4:

  • 82% had >25% reduction

  • 69.8% had >50% reduction

  • N = 54 started all 8 courses

  • PAEC remained stable and benign over repeated courses (±20%)

  • AE were stable (9–19%) over repeated courses

  • Most frequent AE were headache and hot flush

  • Laboratory parameters (including Hb, AST, ALT and TB) remained stable and within normal ranges over repeated courses

  • Amenorrhoea rates were comparable over both treatment courses and both groups

  • Controlled bleeding in between two treatment courses was >80%

  • After treatment course 2, median fibroid reduction was 54% vs 58% for the 5 and 10 mg groups, respectively

  • 5% drop-out due to AE

  • Laboratory parameters (incl. Hb, AST, ALT and TB) remained stable and within normal ranges over repeated courses

  • Fibroid volume reduction increased slightly with repeated courses

  • After course 4:

  • 82% (5 mg) vs 88% (10 mg) had >25% reduction

  • 67% (5 mg) vs 73% (10 mg) had >50% reduction

Stable outcomes in both treatment groups and over repeated courses regarding:

  • Amenorrhoea rates

  • Laboratory parameters

  • PAEC (stayed benign and reversible)


GnRHa: GnRH agonist.

NETA: norethisterone acetate.

Questionnaires: SF-MGPQ: Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (range 0–45 points, with higher scores indicating more severe pain); VAS: Visual Analogue Scale (range 0–100 points, with higher scores indicating more severe pain); Discomfort: measurement of discomfort questionnaire (range 0–28 points, with higher scores indicating greater discomfort); PBAC: pictorial blood-loss assessment chart. Higher scores indicate more blood loss with cut-off for HMB was set on 100 points in the PEARL trials. SSS: Symptom Severity Score (range 0–100, higher scores indicating increased severity); HRQOL: health-related quality of life score (range 0–100, higher scores indicating a better quality of life).

PAEC: PRM-Associated-Endometrial Changes.

Laboratory parameters: Hb: haemoglobin; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; TB: total bilirubin.