Fig. 2. Molecular dynamics simulation of MV-induced nanopores in the OM of E. coli.
a, b The evolution of RMSD (a) and MSD (b) of the OM in Ctrl and MV group. c The conformational change of the OM after MV application at 0 ns, 2 ns, 4 ns, and 10 ns. Front view (above); Bottom view (below). d Two-dimensional graph of density evolution of OM after MV application at 0 ns, 4 ns, and 10 ns. e Two-dimensional graph of density change of OM in the group of Ctrl at 0 ns, 10 ns, and 30 ns. f, g Two-dimensional graph of the average density of the OM in the equilibrium phase (10–30 ns) in MV (f) and Ctrl (g) group. d, diameter. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.