Quantification of the mean normalized ATP/ADP ratio (A and B) and duty cycle (C and D) over the range of values of glucose for three different values of (color coded). The curves were generated with the integrated oscillator model (left column) and the phantom bursting model (right column). The black curve shows the results for slow bursting (as in Fig. 6). At 11 mM glucose, the bursting simulated with the IOM (A and C) has a period of ∼6 min for (black curves), min for pS (blue curves), and ∼9 s for (orange curves). The PBM (B and D) has a period of min for (black curves), ∼2 min for (blue curves), and sec for (orange curves). For each curve, the slope averaged over the range of glucose values that produced bursting was calculated using linear least squares fitting and is plotted as a bar graph in the insets to the top panels. To see this figure in color, go online.