Figure 3.
rSIV.F/HN mediated NC0321 mAb expression in young, old, and SCID mice against maS-LV infection. (A) Bioluminescence imaging of young (5-9 weeks weeks), old (7-8 months weeks), and SCID mice (6 months weeks) dosed with 5E8 TU rSIV.F/HN-NC0321 or an rSIV.F/HN vector expressing an irrelevant isotype control mAb; at 21 dpi, mice were challenged with 100 ng maS-LV-expressing luciferase. Imaging was performed 7 days post-maS-LV challenge. Representative images of n = 4–8/group are shown. (B) The bioluminescent value (photons/s/cm2/sr) for each animal in (A) was normalized such that the isotype control value was 100%. Naive values are from animals that did not receive maS-LV. Bars represent mean ± SEM (t-test; ** represents p = 0.0095 and **** represents p < 0.0001, n = 4–8 per group). (C) The human IgG levels in sera and epithelial lining fluid (ELF) in each group with NC0321 or isotype expressing vector transduction were determined. Human IgG levels in ELF were computed by comparison of urea levels in BALF and serum in every single sample (mean ± SEM, ordinary one-way ANOVA. ns represents p > 0.05 and **** represents p < 0.0001). Naive value, without urea normalization, is indicated by the dotted line.