Figure 3. Endometrioid and Nonendometrioid Cancer Incidence-Based Mortality Trends, From Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results 18 Database (2010-2017), Uncorrected and Corrected for Hysterectomy Prevalence, by Race and Ethnicity.
Trends in age-adjusted incidence-based mortality rates of microscopically confirmed endometrioid and nonendometrioid cancers among US women aged 40 years or older. Two-year averages of uncorrected and corrected rates are plotted. All trends are summarized by a single annual percentage change estimate based on annual rates, except for corrected rates of nonendometrioid cancers among Black women, which are summarized by the average annual percentage change (numbers reported at the end of the lines).
aSignificantly different from 0 at P < .05.