(A) basal short axis, end diastolic frames of cine imaging. Left ventricular ejection fraction at baseline measured 48% and improved to 59% on treatment. Indexed left ventricular end diastolic volume at baseline and follow-up were 64ml/m2 and 72ml/m2 respectively. The left ventricular mass index improved from a baseline value of 72g/m2 to 56g/m2.
(B) basal short axis, phase sensitive inversion recovery images showing midmyocardial late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) of the septum at baseline and follow-up (white arrows).
(C) 4-Chamber, short tau inversion recovery (STIR) image showing myocardial: skeletal signal ratio (white circles) of 2.6, indicative of ventricular oedema at baseline (C1). STIR imaging at follow up (C2) demonstrated myocardial: skeletal signal ratio (white circles) of 2.6, suggesting ongoing ventricular oedema despite antiretroviral treatment.