ECD/UV–vis spectra of (P)-2 and (M)-2 in monomeric and aggregated
states (CHCl3 and MCH, respectively). (b) CD spectra and
(c) denaturation curve of (M)-2 in MCH/CHCl3 mixtures. The red line in panel (c) depicts the fit to the
SD model. (d,e) AFM images of the helical fibers formed upon the supramolecular
polymerization of (M)-2 (experimental
conditions: HOPG as the surface; cT =
10 μM, and MCH as the solvent). (f) CPL/PL spectra of (P)-2 and (M)-2 in monomeric and aggregated states (CHCl3 and MCH, respectively)
(experimental conditions for UV–vis, ECD, CPL, and PL spectra: cT = 10 μM and λexc =
365 nm; the dashed arrows in (f) depict the changes in the PL and
CPL spectra).