Several microbial taxa are associated with immune reconstitution after allo-HCT in a univariate analysis. (A-C) Composition plots of recipients of BM (A), unmodified PBSC (B), and CD34+ PBSC (C), grafts (a single sample is included per patient). (D-F) tSNE visualization of periengraftment sample color coded by α-diversity of the sample color coded by graft type (E), and color coded by day 100 CD4 count above- or below-median (F). Median per graft type: 115 cells per microliter for BM (33 patients with high and 33 with low CD4 recovery), 220 cells per microliter for PBSCs (102 patients with high and 102 with low CD4 recovery), and 60 cells per microliter for CD34+ PBSCs (157 patients with high and 153 with low CD4 recovery). (G) LEfSe analysis of compositional differences in patients receiving each graft type. CD4 recovery is defined as in panel F. (H-J) Relative abundance of taxa identified by using LEfSe analysis as seen in panel G. NF, no flow data available; LDA, linear discriminant analysis.