FIG. 2.
(A) NVP concentrations in blood plasma and seminal plasma during the dosing interval. All patients used NVP at 200 mg b.i.d. Open triangles, NVP concentration in the first ejaculate fraction; black circles, NVP concentration in the second ejaculate fraction; asterisks, NVP concentration in a random blood plasma sample; solid thin line, median NVP concentrations measured in a reference population of HIV-1-infected patients using NVP at 200 mg b.i.d., with interquartile ranges represented as dotted lines (19); MEC, minimal effective concentration of NVP in blood plasma (3.4 μg/ml) (9, 21). The lower limits of quantification of NVP in blood plasma and seminal plasma were 50 and 100 ng/ml, respectively (17). (B) IDV concentrations in blood plasma and seminal plasma during the dosing interval. All patients used IDV (800 mg b.i.d.) and RTV (100 mg b.i.d.), except for patient 014, who used IDV (1,000 mg b.i.d.) and RTV (100 mg b.i.d.). Open triangles, IDV concentration in the first ejaculate fraction; black circles, IDV concentration in the second ejaculate fraction; asterisks, IDV concentration in a random blood plasma sample; solid thin line, median IDV concentrations measured in a reference population of HIV-1-infected patients using IDV (800 mg b.i.d.) plus RTV (100 mg b.i.d.), with the interquartile ranges represented as dotted lines (18); MEC, minimal effective concentration of IDV in blood plasma (100 ng/ml) (3). The lower limits of quantification of IDV in blood plasma and seminal plasma were 25 and 50 ng/ml, respectively (16).