(A) The contribution of each kinematic term (i.e., position, velocity, acceleration) in estimating the firing rate for the preferred (left) and non-preferred (right) direction of body movement (i.e., body-under-head) for bimodal Purkinje cells, computed as the % drop in total variance-accounted-for (VAF) when removed from the full model. Neurons that did not significantly respond to the non-preferred direction are shown as gray bars. Note, we sorted the Purkinje cells based on the importance of the velocity term, since this is what is predominately encoded by the target neurons in the rostral fastigial nucleus (rFN) and vestibular nuclei. (B) The computed VAF (mean ± 95% CI) in estimating the firing rate for preferred (left) and non-preferred (right) direction of whole-body movement. Black and gray bars represent bimodal and unimodal Purkinje cells, respectively. The red area corresponds to non-significant VAF values computed from the same stimulation and shuffled inter-spike intervals (ISI). (C) The response of the bimodal Purkinje cells, which are grouped as (i) linear, which demonstrated increased and decreased firing rate in the preferred and non-preferred directions, respectively, (ii) V-shape, which demonstrated increased firing rate in both directions, (iii) rectifying, which demonstrated increased firing rate in the preferred direction and minimal modulation in the non-preferred direction, and (iv) others, which did not meet any of the mentioned criteria. (D) The pie chart illustrates the percentage of each category within the Purkinje cells.