Methods, Analysis: Spatial position decoding for details on classification procedure. Notably, within-condition spatial decoding showed a highly similar pattern of results to the analysis using the independent training set (
Figure 2B), though the condition differences were slightly smaller (two-way repeated measures ANOVA with ROI and task condition as factors: main effect of ROI: F
(13,65) = 12.873, p<0.001; main effect of condition: F
(1,5) = 11.461, p=0.017; ROI × condition interaction: F
(13,65) = 2.581, p=0.011; p-values obtained using permutation test; see
Methods). Error bars reflect ±1 SEM across participants, and light gray lines indicate individual participants. Dots above bars and pairs of bars indicate the statistical significance of decoding within each condition, and of condition differences, respectively, both evaluated using non-parametric statistics. Dot sizes reflect significance level.