Hydrogen bonds in 24-mer of HFn, PcFn, and PfFn, calculated with HBPLUSa.
PDB ID | Sample | Total H-bondsb | MM | MS/SM | SS |
2FHA | HFn | 2373 | 1309 | 894 | 415 |
—c | PcFn | 2683 | 1648 | 958 | 690 |
2JD6 | PfFn | 2788 | 2047 | 273 | 468 |
MM: H-bonds between main-chain atoms only; MS/SM: H-bonds between main-chain and side-chain atoms; SS: H-bonds between side-chain atoms only.
Calculated using code: “HBPLUS-d 3.0”.
The PDB format file of predicted PcFn obtained from (https://swissmodel.expasy.org/interactive/SEENpX/models/).